Sunday, November 27, 2011

Puttering Along

Not much activity this month. Been working on DICE of course but along with that I've been occupied with helping NJ out with some medical issues and of course thanksgiving...which really only involved baking a wondrous cheese-bread-hybrid and going to a friend's house to watch stand-up. Deus Ex has got its claws on me as well. Damn you black-friday Steam sales!

Sadly I haven't been able to play much actual RPGs this month or the month before. I've done a couple of sessions of character creation and playtesting for Battle Royale but unfortunately actual gaming has been pretty dry. Next month looks pretty dry too as the friend who hosts our games is moving to a new place and working on the weekends. Very sad but I shall be strong. 

As far as NaGaDeMo goes I've got 3 or so days left and still plenty of DICE left to write. Whether or not I make the deadline I definitely intend to complete this thing soon. Lots of interesting ideas have bubbled up and I'm struggling not only to get things down on "paper" but also to keep from altering things too much right from the get-go.

Ah well. November and December aren't my best months. They're looking to be slow RPG-wise and full of distractions and unfortunately I live too far from my family to visit with them. But mostly it's just so damn gray. Weather here is hatefully gray during this time of year and the rain is annoying and drizzly. So I guess that's more motivation to stay inside and write.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

NaGaDeMo: DICE part 2!

Still plugging away on DICE. We'll see if I can get it completed by the end of the month...

Either way, it's a fun project and I definitely intend to complete it. Developing a system more-or-less from scratch gives you some interesting insights into the workings of your own brain. It's weird to realize how much time your brain spends working on an issue without letting you know. You may spend an hour or so agonizing over a particularly difficult rules-concept and then decide to come back to it some other time. Hours later an idea pops into your head more or less fully formed with a little note from your subconscious: "hey, here's that thing you wanted."

So far here's a few of the ideas that are hitting the walls until they stick:

Dice (i.e. your characters) are composed of four main parts:
  1. Your Core Dice...that is your (Level) d (Sides). So a 5th level d12 has a Core Dice set of 5d12. 
  2. You've got a Paradigm which is essentially a short description of your Dice's character concept: Savage Barbarian, Pirate, Mercenary, Illusionist, Hacker, etc. The Paradigm gives a bonus to rolls that fall under it (so the Barbarian gets bonuses to survival in the wild, hunting, etc while the Hacker would get bonuses to programming, computer knowledge, breaking security and so on). 
  3. You also have Skills which are player-created abilities that determine your training. The lower the die class the more Skills you have, but you can purchase them later. d4s are an exception, having only a small selection of Skills but they are "Esoteric Skills", allowing them to accomplish a wide variety of feats with ease. 
  4. Then you've got Tricks which are the Feats/Edges/whatevers of DICE. They're special moves or abilities that are triggered by spending Meta-Dice. For example, one Trick for d12s is Freak Out! which grants a scene-long bonus to offensive maneuvers but penalizes defensive ones. 

Other random ideas in no particular order:

Damage: There will be two core damage systems in DICE: "Classic" will feature traditional Hit Point mechanics. Every Dice will receive a number of hit points each level based on their die-type. This can be rolled, averaged or maximum as the GM chooses. Alternatively you've got a Wound system. Dice who suffer more damage from an attack than their die-type (so more than 12 for a d12, more than 6 for a d6) will suffer a Wound. Each Wound inflicts a cumulative penalty to rolls and once your Wounds exceed your Level then you're out of play.

Maneuvers: Special maneuvers (knock-downs, trips, blinding, etc) can be attempted by sacrificing Core Dice in an attack. So say you've got a 3rd level d10 who normally rolls 3d10 to attack an opponent. If he wants to attempt a disarm maneuver he's got to sacrifice 2 of those dice, leaving him with 1d10 but if he succeeds he'll disarm his opponent on top of any damage. A similar system will allow for magical "debuffs".

Multiple Actions: There is no set limit to the number of actions you can take but it must be possible to "group" them all into a single declaration and you receive a penalty based on the number of distinct actions. For example you may not simply punch someone in the face then kick down a door...but you could pick someone up and throw them through the door.

Opponents: As seen in the DICE outline I posted a while back monsters are classified by die-types as well. Here's a brief overview:
  • d4s are the small, annoying monsters that make up low-level encounters. Giant Rats, automated hover-drones, kobolds, goblins, annoying children. Etc. 
  • d6s are the "commoners". Your bartender, your town watch, your average orc. They're all probably d6s. 
  • d8s are the tough guys. They're either burly monsters like minotaurs or attack bots or they're well-trained enemies like elite mercenaries or highly skilled guardsmen. Undead that can be described as "shambling" probably fall into this category too.
  • d10s are your massive hulks: golems, battlemechs, giants, elementals, etc. If the words "hulking" "ginormous" or "slabs" apply then it probably is a d10. 
  • d12s are mythical beasts: chimera, gorgons, squid-headed humanoids, etc. Not only deadly but probably brimming with magical power as well.Ghosts, vampires, liches and other highly mystical undead fall into this category as well.
  • d20s are the major opponents: dragons, demons and devas (okay...angels...I just really wanted to keep alliterating there). Magical and physical powerhouses.
  • d100s are gods and avatars. Probably far off the map for most DICE games but by golly if they're statted someone is going to take it as a challenge and try and kill 'em. 
  • d3s are the Dice Which Should Not Be. Not demons or devils but some hideous, unspeakable other. They'll screw with the combat system (normal rolls are 1d20 + Core Dice...d3s roll 1d20 x Core Dice) making even low-level d3s horrific challenges. 
Obviously all of this is still pretty raw but it's beginning to take shape (and I'm only 2/3rds of the way through the month). I'm hoping to run a quicky session this coming weekend and if I can pull it off I'll make sure to record it. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011


So my November RPG design idea already exists: So I'll definitely be taking part. Still doing some work on DICE. So far I've got a basic outline complete.


-defining terms
-what you need
-Ideas for play.

Chapter 1: Rolling Up Your Dice

-How Many Sides Do You Have?
-Dice Color (hero archetypes/personality)
-What Can Your Dice Do?
-Skills and Tricks

Chapter 2: Trappings

-Gear (rated in dice as well, based on specialization)
-Magical Gear

Chapter 3: How To Play

-Types of Tasks
-Task Examples
-Attacking and Defending
-Wounds and Defeat
-Situational Modifiers

Chapter 4: Critters and Challenges

-d4s: The little yappy ones
-d6s: common threats
-d8s: beasts and brutes
-d10s: mystic monsters
-d12s: the big ones
-d20s: epic threats
-d100s: godly challenges
-d3's: from beyond.
-traps and environmental hazards.

Chapter 5: Advancement
-Experience and leveling up
-Other rewards

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Savage Powers...of Dredmor

Been working on using Savage Worlds to run Dungeons of Dredmor. Most of the game's abilities convert just fine to existing Savage Worlds skills and Edges but the magic system requires a bit more work. Mostly in term of Powers. So I decided to spend a bit of time converting Dredmor powers to Savage Worlds and post the results here. I figure these are good, interesting powers for any Savage Worlds fantasy campaign so they're worth public display. 

Arcane Background (Astrology)

The power of the heavens! Astrologers use a bizarre mix of science, spirituality and calendars to attain heavenly powers. Astrology works just like AB (Miracles) for the purpose of purchasing Edges.

Arcane Skill: Astronomy (Spirit)
Starting Power Points: 10
Powers: 2 plus Light
Backlash: If an Astronomer rolls a 1 on their Astronomy die then they have screwed up their horoscopic predictions and their Astronomy skill is dropped by one level until they succeed at a spellcasting roll. 

Astrologers have access to the following standard powers (with trappings of light, holiness or fortune): Banish, Bless, Bolt, Boost Traits, Deflection, Dispel, Smite, Stun

In addition there are a few new powers taken directly from Dredmor: 

Radiant Aura
*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 2
*Range: Touch
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd) 
  The target is surrounded by a halo of radiance. This grants +1 bonus to hand-to-hand damage rolls (holy energy) and a +1 to Toughness against the attacks of undead or necromantic Powers. On a raise these bonuses are doubled. This power also produces a corona of light, illuminating the area in a Large Burst around the character.

Solar Glyph
*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 2
*Range: Smarts
*Duration: See Below
  This spell creates a glowing symbol on a floor, wall, doorway or any other stationary, solid surface at least a yard wide. The glyph will trigger if disturbed (stepping on, poking, or moved) and burst in a flash of brilliant energy against the character who triggered the glyph so long as they are within 1". The blast of light is blinding and targets must make an Agility roll at -2 or become Shaken and suffer a -2 to Parry until their next action. Demons and undead also suffer 2d4 damage from the heavenly energies within the glyph. The glyph remains in place until triggered by someone but it is not possible to have more glyphs currently active than half your Spirit and no more than one glyph per 1" area. Although it does not shine brightly the glyph glows fairly obviously in darkness. 

*Rank: Seasoned
*Power Points: 6
*Range: Smarts
*Duration: 3 (2/rnd) 
  The spheres align and the target becomes amazing! This power increases all Attributes (Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength and Vigor) by one die type (or two on a raise). 

Celestial Aegis
*Rank: Seasoned
*Power Points: 5
*Range: Smarts
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  This power surrounds the target in a suit of armor woven from aetherial energy. This grants +2 Armor, a +2 to all Spirit rolls and +2 to all rolls made to resist powers. On a Raise these benefits are doubled. 

The Stars Aligned
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points:  3-9
*Range: See below
*Duration: Instant
  The caster is the center of a confluence of terrifying celestial energies. This takes the form of a Medium burst centered on the caster which inflicts 2d6 damage in the form of aethereal and holy energy. In addition anyone Shaken or Wounded by the damage is blinded until they manage to recover from being Shaken. Against demons and the undead this damage increases to 2d8. For three additional power points the damage increases to 3d6 (or 3d8) or the area increases to a Large Burst. For both it costs 6 additional power points. 
Heavenly Weapon
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points:  5
*Range: Touch
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  You imbue a single weapon with the power of the stars. The weapon gains a +2 damage bonus and AP 2. These bonuses are doubled with a Raise on the casting roll. In addition when wielding the weapon your Wild Die for Fighting, Throwing or Shooting with the weapon becomes a d10.

Arcane Background (Tinkering)

Arcane Skill: Tinkering (Smarts) or appropriate skill
Starting Power Points: 10
Powers: 1

This background functions pretty much identically to weird science. Common examples of Tinkering weaponry are Clockwork Power Limbs (Boost Strength), Clockwork Chainaxes (Smite), Clockwork Bolt Throwers (Bolt) as well as original creations such as flamethrowers (Burst) or magnetic deflectors (Deflection or Armor) or smoke machines (obscure). In general Tinkering is limited to devices that can produce raw, physical effects (clockwork, explosives, etc) or those that can produce chemical effects (poisons, acid, etc). Actual magical potions and the like are limited to Alchemy.

Devices created through Tinkering each have their own supply of power points which recharge individually. Activating most of these devices requires a Tinkering roll but those designed to be used as weapons (such as Bolt Throwers) simply involve the appropriate skill roll (such as Shooting). On a skill roll of 1 the device malfunctions and breaks down which requires a Craft roll and 2d6 hours to fix. 

One-shot items such as traps, grenades or special ammunition work best when created using the Gadgeteering Edge. 

Arcane Background (Alchemy)

Arcane Skill: Alchemy (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 3

Alchemy "Powers" take the form of alchemical formula that the caster knows how to reproduce effectively. Creating an alchemical potion requires 1 hour's time and access to at least a portable alchemy lab (a well stocked lab grants a +2 bonus, a full workshop grants a +4 bonus to the Alchemy skill). Alchemical concoctions are triggered when consumed or when they a target is exposed to them (for offensive mixtures). This means that most ranged powers must be thrown (throwing skill, range of 3/6/12)

Alchemists can also purchase the Gadgeteering Edge. Their version allows the creation of wands or other "charged" magical items. 

The following is a list of generic Powers alchemists can access: 
Armor, Blast, Bolt, Boost\Lower Trait, Confusion, Dispel, Environmental Protection, Fly, Greater Healing, Healing, Invisibility, Light, Obscure, Quickness, Shape Change, Smite, Speed, Stun, Succor, Teleport, Warrior's Gift 

Many of Dredmor's potions are pretty easily duplicated: Potion of Steeling (Armor), Potion of Healing (duh), Acid Flask (Bolt), Potion of Invisibility (also duh), Potion of Purity (dispel), Spatial Instability Potion (Teleport). Some (potions of mana and potions of replenishment) don't have a creatable version. Here's the basic stats for the remaining, more unique potions. 

Potion of Clear Vision
*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 2
*Range: Drinker
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  This potion increases the Notice skill of the target by one die type (two on a raise) and grants them the Low-Light Vision ability (allowing them to ignore light penalties for all but Pitch Darkness). 

Potion of Radiance

Functions just like the Astrological power Radiant Aura.

Potion of Midas

*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 2-3
*Range: Thrown
*Duration: Instant
  When splashed against a target this potion converts a portion of their flesh into gold. This inflicts 2d6 damage (or 3d6 for 3 power points) and produces an amount of gold equivalent to the damage inflicted multiplied by the creature's size +1 (negative size halves the amount produced for each -1). 

Potion of Lively Regeneration
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points:10
*Range: Drinker
*Duration: 1 (3/round)
  This potion grants the effects of Fast Regeneration. The target of the spell may make a natural healing roll every round to recover Wounds. On a Raise the target also receives a +2 to any soak rolls during the spell's duration. 

Potion of Dire Empowerment
*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 2
*Range: Drinker
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  The drinker's Strength score is increased by one die-type and their Toughness increases by +2 against necromantic damage. These bonuses are doubled on a Raise. 

Infernal Potion
*Rank: Novice
*Power Points:4
*Range: Drinker
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  The drinker receives the equivalent of +4 Armor against fire based attacks (+6 on a Raise) and they are surrounded by a flaming aura which grants +1 fire-based damage on all of the drinker's attacks (+2 on a raise). 
Hyperborean and Voltiac potions have identical effects but are based on cold or electrical damage respectively.

Arcane Background (Psionics)

Arcane Skill: Psionics (Spirit)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 3

Psionics function pretty much identically to the standard version. They have an advantage over magic in that they require no gestures, words or other frippery to perform their Powers but they do have a smaller selection of available powers. On a roll of a 1 on their arcane skill they are Shaken.

Psionic powers have trappings involving telekinesis or mentalism: Bolt (hurled objects), Boost Trait (biofeedback), Confusion, Deflection, Fear, Fly, Havoc, Healing (with crystals), Legerdemain, Pummel, Puppet, Slumber, Stun, Telekinesis, Teleport.

The Dredmor specific skills almost all translate pretty directly to existing powers although the power level does change (Crystal Healing is a Novice ability while Narcosomatic Induction (Slumber) and Psychokinetic Shove (Pummel or Havoc) are both Seasoned). There are two new powers:


*Rank: Novice
*Power Points:2
*Range: Smarts x 2
*Duration: instant
  The target spontaneously combusts, suffering 1d10 fire damage and automatically catching on fire. 
Nerve Staple

*Rank: Veteran
*Power Points:6
*Range:Smarts x2
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  The caster must make an opposed roll using their Psionics skill against the target's Spirit. If the caster succeeds the target is Shaken and their Agility, Smarts and Spirit are all lowered by one die type. If the caster succeeds with a Raise then their Attributes drop by 2 die types. This cannot lower them below a d4.

Arcane Background (Magic)

Arcane Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts)
Starting Power Points: 10
Starting Powers: 3

Magic works pretty much like normal, but there's a good load of Dredmor specific spells to stat out. This AB also gives access to pretty much all Powers.

The following spells work well as existing powers:
Animate Blade Being (Bolt, flings suicidal silver-ware golems are your foes or a damaging Barrier for stationary blade-beings)
Unliving Wall (Barrier)
Thor's Fulminaric bolt (Blast)
Power of Magic Steel (Smite)
Unholy Warcry (Fear)
Dragon's Breath (Burst)
Obvious Fireball (Blast)
Gog's Tactical Pyre (damaging Barrier)
Deathly Hex (Bolt)
Nightmare Curse (Slumber)
Knit Flesh (Healing and/or Greater Healing)
Zombyfycation (Zombie)
Froda's Jump Discontinuity/Xeuclid's Translation (Teleport)
Beklam's Diminishing Calculus (Lower Trait)

Now, as for the rest...lets go!

Animate Mustache
*Power Points: 3+
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  You conjure a mustache golem using whiskers summoned from the Elemental Plane of Facial Hair. This is an Extra who is completely loyal to the caster which acts on the same initiative as the caster and receives an immediate action as soon as it is summoned. On a raise the golem has the Hardy advantage. Casters of Seasoned or higher rank can spend an additional 2 Power Points to summon extra golems at once (2 total at seasoned for 5 PP, 3 at veteran for 7 PP and so on).
  The golem is about the size of a cinder block but moves quickly and possesses long prehensile whiskers that it uses to constrict its victims. It has the following stats: 
  • Attributes: Agility 1d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
  • Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6
  • Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 5
  • Special abilities:
    • Strand: Str
    • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken, Immune to poison/disease. No additional damage from called shots.
    • Fearless: Immune to fear and intimidation
    • Size -2
    • Small: Attackers suffer a -2 penalty to hit the golem. 
    • Choke: If a mustache hits with a raise they automatically grapple the target and (if they breath) begin choking them. Each round the victim remains grappled they suffer a Fatigue level. 
Invive Thaumite Swarm
*Rank: Seasoned
*Power Points: 3
*Range: Smarts x 2
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  The target's flesh is infested with a swarm of microscopic thaumites which burrow and chew viciously inflicting 1d10 damage every round. If the target is killed but the caster continues to maintain the spell the swarm surrounds the corpse in an invisible cloud which will infest anyone who moves through it. 

Grant Machine Mortality
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points: 6
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  This spell summons a horrifying machine from the Plane That's Full of Horrifying Machines. The robot serves loyally for the duration of the spell and will act on the same initiative as the caster (acting immediately the turn it is summoned). If the caster scores a Raise on the casting roll then the robot has the Hardy advantage. It is an Extra.
  The Machine has the following stats: 
  • Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
  • Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8
  • Pace: 8, Parry: 7, Toughness: 14 (4)
  • Special Abilities
    • Shiny Blades: Str +1d10
    • Armor +4: Steel Plating
    • Construct: +2 to recover from Shaken, no additional damage from called shot, immune to poison/disease.
    • Fearless: Immune to fear and intimidation.
    • Improved Sweep: The robot may attack everyone adjacent as a single action.
    • Size +3: The robot is about 9' tall. 
Digging Ray
*Power Points: 10
*Range: Smarts
*Duration: 10/round
  This spell creates a beam of stone-dissolving energy which is primarily used to disintegrate walls and similar impediments. It inflicts 3d10 damage against objects or creatures composed of stone (attempting to strike a creature requires a Shooting roll at -2) and it can be maintained to continue dissolving material. If focused on a single spot the damage is sufficient to bore a hole about 1 yard wide in 6 feet of solid rock per turn up to Smarts range. The hole can be expanded but slows the progress proportionally (so opening a 2 yard wide hole happens at the rate of 3 feet per round). 


*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 3
*Range: Self
*Duration: 3 (1/round)
  Bulging lumps of meat grow to help cushion blows and ward off damage while also increasing your general burliness. This increases Strength and Vigor by one die type (two on a raise). Of course you're absolutely hideous while under the spell's effects and suffer a -4 to Charisma. 


*Rank: Novice
*Power Points: 3
*Range:Smarts x 2
*Duration: 1 (1/rnd) 
  This gruesome spell rends the target's flesh continously. The caster must make an opposed roll against the victim's Vigor using their casting skill. On a success the spell inflicts 2d4 damage per round as long as the caster keeps it going. On a raise the damage increases to 2d6. 

Corpus Burst

*Power Points: 2-6
*Range:Smarts x3
*Duration: Instant
   This spell makes corpses explode. It can target any inanimate bodies of once-living creatures. The corpse bursts explosively inflicting 2d6 damage plus the Size of the creature (corpses that are only partially intact may count as smaller) in a Medium Burst. It is possible to target up to three corpses at once by spending 2 Power Points per corpse.

Miasmatic Putrefaction

*Power Points: 4-6
*Range:Smarts x3
*Duration: 3 (1/rnd)
  This spell creates a thick cloud of horrific corruption and poison. The cloud takes the form of a Medium Burst and inflicts 2d6 damage on anyone within the cloud or who enters it. The cloud is stationary (unless blown around by strong winds or similar forces) and damages anyone who starts their turn in the cloud or who enters it. The cloud is also semi-opaque and is treated as a region of Dim lighting (-1 penalty). For 6 power points the size of the cloud can be upgraded to a Large Burst. 

Curse of the Golden Ratio

This spell functions identically to the effects of the Midas potion (see Alchemy) except that it works as a ranged attack (using the caster's arcane skill roll) with a range of 12/24/48.


*Power Points: 5
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  It's a spell to increase the power of your spells! This spell increases the caster's Spellcasting skill by one die type (or two on a raise) and reduces the cost of all spells cast during it's duration by 1 Power Point (to a minimum of 1). Repeated castings stack. 

The Recursive Curse
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points: 8 
*Range: Smarts x2
*Duration:3 (2/rnd)
  The caster must succeed at an opposed roll against the target's Spirit. If he wins the target suffers a -1 penalty to all Trait rolls. At the start of the next turn the target must make a Spirit roll (at -2 if the caster succeeded with a Raise) or the penalty worsens by 1. This continues as long as the spell's duration lasts. 

Mark of Chthon
*Rank: Seasoned
*Power Points:4
*Range: Touch
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  This spell marks the target with the symbol of a dark god increasing their Strength and Vigor by 2 die types. On a raise they also gain the Hardy advantage. However once the spell ends the target takes 2d6 damage (after losing the spell's benefits) as the mark burns his soul with necromantic energy. 

Pact of Fleeting Life
*Rank: Seasoned
*Power Points:4
*Range: Touch
*Duration: 5 (1/rnd)
  When the spell is cast the target (who must be willing) suffers 2d6 damage due to necromantic energy. The target of the spell inflicts 2 additional points of damage due to necromantic energy (+4 on a raise) and whenever they successfully inflict a Wound on a creature they may make a Natural Healing roll (at +2 for each wound inflicted beyond the first) to recover their own Wounds.

Eldritch Inhabitation
*Rank: Veteran
*Power Points: 4-6
*Range: 12/24/48
*Duration: See below
  The caster launches a bolt of writhing darkness which inflicts 2d6 damage (or 3d6 for 6 power points) on a successful hit. If the target is Shaken or Wounded by the attack they are infested with a being from beyond which will attempt to tear its way back to its home dimension in 1d4 rounds (this occurs even if the original target has died). The entity creates a Medium Burst of squirming eldritch evil which inflicts 2d8 (or 3d8 if 6 power points were used) damage on everything within the Burst.

Tenebrous Rift
*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points: 10
*Range: Smarts x2
*Duration: 1d6+2 rounds (this can Ace)
  This spell causes a minor apocalyptic event, ripping a hole in the fabric of space and allowing horrible Things to reach through. The spell affects a Medium Burst centered as the caster chooses within range. The caster's Arcane skill roll is opposed by the Agility of all within the area. Success means the targets are entangled (suffering -2 to pace and all skills linked to Agility and Strength). On a raise the target cannot move at all or use any Agility or Strength based skills. 
  Breaking free requires an Agility or Strength roll (others may try and help at a -2 penalty to their Strength) but anyone who starts their turn within the area must make another Agility roll to avoid being entangled once more (or becoming more entangled if they are already caught). In addition the hideous mass of tentacles inflicts 3d6 damage to all within the area every turn. It also grows...each round the area of the Rift expands by 1". Don't worry, the chances of the rift lasting long enough to consume your city/continent/planet are minimal. 

Skatha's Roots
*Power Points:3-5
  This spell summons roots and vines that entangle and crush the target. The caster's arcane skill roll is opposed by the target's Agility. On a success the target is entangled and suffers a -2 penalty to Pace and skills linked to Agility and Strength. The roots also crush the target for 1d6 damage per round until the target breaks free. On a raise the target is completely immobilized and cannot use Agility or Strength based skills at all. They also suffer 2d6 damage per turn until they break free. 
  Breaking free of the roots requires a Strength or Agility roll (they can also be torn off by someone else rolling Strength at -2). For 3 power points this spell affects a single target. For 5 it affects all targets within a Medium Burst. 

Arctic Vortex

*Rank: Heroic
*Power Points:3-6
*Range:Smarts x2
*Duration:1 (2/rnd) 
  The caster summons arctic winds that fill a Medium Burst. The winds are bitterly cold and savage, inflicting 2d6 cold damage to all in the area. Anyone Shaken or Wounded by the damage is caught up in the winds and hurled 2d6" in a random direction and becomes prone. Striking a solid object or wall inflicts 1d10 damage. 
  The vortex remains in place so long as the caster keeps paying the upkeep, inflicting damage on anyone who starts their turn in the area and anyone who enters the area. The caster may take an action during their turn to move the area up to 1/2 their Spirit in inches. 

Hand of Belimawr
*Rank: Veteran
*Power Points: 4
*Range: Self
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  The caster is surrounded by a fiery aura. This has two effects. First it grants the effect of Armor +4 against fire-based attacks (+6 on a raise). Second it causes all the caster's hand-to-hand attacks to inflict an additional 1d6 points of fire-based damage (this increases to 1d10 on a raise).

Rune of Exploding
*Power Points: 4
*Range: Smarts
*Duration: See Below
   This spell creates a glowing symbol on a floor, wall, doorway or any other stationary, solid surface at least a yard wide. The rune will trigger if disturbed (stepping on, poking, or moved) and burst in an explosion of fire. This fills a Small Burst centered on the rune and inflicts 2d6 points of fire-based damage to all in the area. 
  The rune glows like a hot ember so it is quite obvious in dark lighting. It is not possible to have more runes active than half your Spirit and none may be closer than 1 hex (1") to each other.

Summon Wyrmling
*Power Points: 6
*Duration:3 (1/rnd)
  This spell summons a small dragonling to serve the caster for its duration. The dragon appears in a puff of flame (filling a Small Burst and inflicting 1d8 damage) and may act immediately and acts each round on the caster's initiative. The wyrmling is an Extra (with the Hardy advantage if the caster manages a Raise on their arcane skill roll).
  The wyrmling has the following stats: 
  • Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength 1d12, Vigor 1d10
  • Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d8
  • Pace: 6, Parry 7, Toughness 12 (4)
  • Special Abilities:
    • Armor +4: tough scales
    • Claws/Bite: Str+d8
    • Size +1
    • Fiery Breath: A Cone effect inflicting 2d10 damage. Agility rolls at -2 allow victims to avoid the blast. 
    • Immunity (fire): The wyrmling is unaffected by fire-based damage. 

Infernal Torus
*Power Points: 8
*Range:See below
  You release a burst of fire...then another...and another! This spell creates a blast of flame centered on the caster filling a Small Burst and inflicting 2d6 fire based damage to anyone other than the caster in that area. Then a second burst of flame immediately afterwards. This one fills a Medium Burst and inflicts 3d6 damage. Then a third. This one fills a Large burst and inflicts 4d6 damage. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

RPG In November

For a lot of people November is National Novel Writing Month. It's a cool project and one I've attempted to participate in a few times. However it quickly became obvious that if there's a novel in me it's going to take a heck of a lot longer than a month to coax it out. However, in solidarity with all of those souls tapping on their keyboards this month I'm going to set my own creativity goal: to complete an RPG In November (NaRoPlGaWrMo was too hideous an acronym).

So before the end of November I'm going to finish the DICE rpg system or else...I won't finish it! I'll make it my goal to complete the system then post it here for anyone who cares to give it a shot.